Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yesterday and the weekend were good. More on that soon. For now, three things:

1) I either have a cold whose only symptom is a completely unreasonable amount of sneezing (no fever, headache, sore throat etc) or a rather severe and Claritin-resistant allergy to Lyon.
2) I did not get the aforementioned apartment, and have no immediately promising leads.
3) The above notwithstanding, I'm still in a solidly good mood.

And now, early bedtime.


  1. so sorry you didn't get it, it was nice!

  2. Clearly proving that they have no taste in roommates.

    Feel better, and no dying!

  3. Thanks for the wonderful descriptions - I like the adventures, but the elephant is going to stick with me. Good luck getting to know the french students. :)
